
Division 4

Daubois™ - B-1015 Daubois™ - B-1015

Daubois Grout B-1015 is a thixotropic injection grout based on natural hydraulic lime from St-Astier (France) and a mineral filler. This grout is specially formulated for consolidating or reinforcing voids in solid masonry. Grout B-1015 is extremely fluid, enabling it to infiltrate through all types [...].

Daubois™ - Betomix Plus White Daubois™ - Betomix Plus White

Daubois Bétomix Plus® type N is a mortar based on GUL portland cement, type SA hydrated lime and sand meeting CSA A179-14 specifications. Bétomix Plus® type N is mainly used for jointing masonry units. The use of an air-entraining agent in Bétomix Plus® type N is [...].

Daubois™ - Betomix Plus Coloré Daubois™ - Betomix Plus Coloré

Daubois Bétomix Plus® type N is a mortar based on GUL portland cement, type SA hydrated lime and sand meeting CSA A179-14 specifications. Bétomix Plus® type N is mainly used for jointing masonry units. The use of an air-entraining agent in Bétomix Plus® type N is [...].

Daubois™ - Betomix Plus Grey Daubois™ - Betomix Plus Grey

Daubois Bétomix Plus® type N is a mortar based on GUL portland cement, type SA hydrated lime and sand meeting CSA A179-14 specifications. Bétomix Plus® type N is mainly used for jointing masonry units. The use of an air-entraining agent in Bétomix Plus® type N is [...].

Daubois™ - BlocFiller 15, 20, 25 and 30 MPa Daubois™ - BlocFiller 15, 20, 25 and 30 MPa

Daubois Blocfiller is a grout based on portland cement, fine sand and specialized additives for rheology control, good adhesion, segregation prevention and expansive properties in the fluid phase. It is used as a reinforcing and consolidating grout to fill concrete blocks and embed [...].

Daubois™ - Blocmix 15, 20, 25 and 30 MPa Daubois™ - Blocmix 15, 20, 25 and 30 MPa

Daubois Blocmix is a portland cement and sand-based mortar meeting CSA A179-14 specifications. For interior use, it is mainly used for grouting concrete blocks. Blocmix 15 MPa is formulated to meet the properties prescribed in Table 6 of CSA A179-14 for the installation of concrete [...].

Daubois™ - Econo PS Daubois™ - Econo PS

Daubois Econo PS is a masonry cement and sand-based setting mortar meeting CSA A179-14 specifications. This product does not contain Type S/SA hydrated lime. Econo PS mortar is mainly used for laying (pointing) masonry units. For interior and exterior use, it is [...]

Daubois™ - EconoFill 20 MPa Daubois™ - EconoFill 20 MPa

Daubois Econofill is a grout based on portland cement, fine sand and specialized additives to control rheology, ensure good adhesion, prevent segregation and provide expansive properties in the fluid phase. It is used as a reinforcing and consolidating grout to fill concrete blocks and embed [...].

Daubois™ - EconoFill GG 20 MPa Daubois™ - EconoFill GG 20 MPa

Daubois Econofill GG is a grout based on portland cement, fine sand, crushed stone with a diameter of 2.5-10 mm and specialized additives to control rheology, ensure good adhesion and prevent segregation in the fluid phase. It is used as a reinforcement and consolidation grout to fill blocks [...].